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It's so easy to help earn $ for West Park, just
earn points while you shop!
Check out our links below, and start helping
West Park raise funds today!
Amazon Smile
We all love shopping on Amazon! Did you know if you log in to Amazon Smile you can earn money for West Park when you check out? You can even add your purchases to your cart using your regular Amazon app and then switch over to smile to check out.
Follow the link below to start giving back while you shop!
Benefit Mobile
Benefit is an easy way to raise money for our students by purchasing gift cards such as Starbucks, Target, and Safeway, that you can use towards your store purchases. Use the Benefit app to check out at the register in-store or on the checkout page online. Paying with Benefit is faster, safer, and more rewarding than traditional payment methods, and a percentage of purchases goes back to West Park!
Click below to find out more!
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